Call or email to book a time for a visit and to register!
We still have limited spaces for Spring 2025 ... please contact us to come for a visit :)
NEW FEE SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 2025 - JUNE 2026 PLEASE NOTE: The Government of Alberta announced some big changes in the funding of preschool programs on January 30, 2025: Here are the changes: 1. The affordability agreement has been changed from $75.00 to $100.00 so each preschool will be given $100/month toward each students' fees 2. CHILDCARE SUBSIDY WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE 3. There will not be any coverage of inflationary costs for preschools, from the government.
DUE TO THESE CHANGES OUR PRESCHOOL FEES FOR SEPTEMBER 2025 - JUNE 2026 ARE AS FOLLOWS: REGISTRATION FEE: $75.00 (non-refundable paid at registration) MONTHLY FEES: 3 classes per week: $125.00/month (Parents Pay $125/month + Government Pays $100/month = $225/month) 2 classes per week: $65.00/month (Parents Pay $65/month + Government Pays $100/month = $165/month)
January 2024 - June 2025 FEES ** The Alberta-Canada Early Learning and Child Care Agreement has begun in January 2022 and changes monthly fees for all families.
MONTHLY FEES: 3 classes per week: $120.00/month (Parents Pay $120/month + Government Pays $75/month = $195/month) 2 classes per week: $69.00/month (Parents Pay $69/month + Government Pays $75/month = $149/month)
** If parents qualify for additional subsidy they will not be required to pay monthly fees. ONE TIME FEE: Registration: $50.00 Cleaning fee: $75.00 (our preschool is professionally cleaned 3 times a week) Fundraising: $100.00 (to fund field trips, cooking classes & guest speakers)
CHILD CARE SUBSIDY IS NOW AVAILABLE **If your family income is $180,000 or less you are able to apply for subsidy**